Consistency is key

In my life I have had many talents and hobby's, and always had a dream to make a living out of something God gave me. And I see this as fulfilling a purpose, because a purpose means doing something that is easy and natural for you, but also benefiting others. And to fulfill a destiny you are also helping others at the same time as you are building a life for self. I have learned one major key in this resent season, and that is growth, and true success is a result of consistency. To make a decision, what talent is going to bring in everything I desire, and also help others at the same time. And I think everyone has this capacity, because everyone is infitie potential. Nothing comes for free in this world, behind a successful person lays hours, years, lifetimes of failure and trial until one day it all shifts, because there was a shift in mind, and I willpower to change for the better. God also said once you design you're world, I will also back that design but I need some clear intentions behind you. So I know how to support you. If you have a dream, it's there for you to make it a reality, in just one year. A whole life situation can be transformed to more then one can imagine. just by committing to that dream becoming a reality. And it's never to late to start, today can be that day where you decide I want better for me. So I will make it happen by consistently giving it my best. 

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When you live the dream life

I wanted to share how my life suddenly where my dream, all my life I was dreaming of having a purpose, financial freedom and also the freedom to move and create freely. Personally I have been putting so much work, all these years. And know I'm living in a dream reality. I'm doing work that is benefiting others and self. I'm giving freely from my willpower and my determination to help and rise this collective to liberation and freedom. And this is an exciting time, it's a time where I get to slow down but also see magic in everyday, because I know how something small can make someone else day or reality light up, and I believe that being a light for someone else is always the purpose. To give from the hearth, and to share even in days of success. Sharing a successful transformation on a personal level feels amazing. Because I know that the work that it took to even be able to say out load that I am in love with this dream that I have manifested, created and built from the day I was born. And it just shows that even the dark days count. Because one day you will be opening you're wings and free them into the unlimited potential that you came too recognise. How much strength, and beauty is within you. Because you're inner world, reflects you're other world. Still at the beginning of a new dream reality, and I am so excited to all of you that are also on a journey of unlimited potential. Seeing the magic that we all have, to create something long lasting and meaningful. Menader following a river or a road, until the ocean is bright and healthy, until the sun is vibrating in us all, until the earth is one with all. There is still tons of dreams and missions to fulfill, and a journey of Abundance, relationships and stormy seasons. Because after all life, is happening for us. Lemuria, creating heaven on earth. It's happening. Love, peace and light. 

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Quantum Evolution

When you finally end a cycle and an old way is simply no longer the ruling and determined energy of who you are, and how you present you're self in the world. Quantum evolution is when you step into Author mode, and rewrite you're story, rewrite you're future. You heal energy of the past by changing the script of how things used to go on repeat in the mind, from past trauma and suffering. It's when you finally are able to see the lessons and all the blessings that came from the hell you went true. And when you finally walk true the Ascending Journey of you're self. You walk true a new un discovered door, where you are full of love, freedom, carasima and excitement to be able to create a world full of abundance, full of life, joy and excitement. Quantum evolution, is evolving true you're creative imagination. Going both back words and forwards, because you are the responsible creator for you're own reality. And when you know this, you can simply change any sircumstance and learn true all the hardship that used to pull you down. And see that it was all teaching you valuable lessons for later on in life. Quantum leap, now since you are free from limiting situations, you can imagine the reality you desire. This goes for you're love life, carrier, the family, the dream car, the home the financial freedom, the world travel. How far are you able to open up for unlimited possibilitys. Because when you become aware of it, there are no limits. It's just a programming of the mind, that used to hold you in stuck matter. I recommend, giving all you're time and willpower towards the life you desire. Because you need too trust that the universe is working in you're favour. And it will only give you what you self believe you are worthy of. So keep expanding you're dream vision. And know that this is subconscious work, to conciussly take action, and also, visionary taughts towards the opportunitys or people that you would like to have in you're world. There are a million reasons to believe in yourself. Because you're birthright is Wealth, success, and joy. Especially now that you are aware of the possibilities that lays with in you're reach. Quantum evolution, jumping timelines. Excited to share this journey with you. 

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New earth, and you're highest potential requires full acceptance

Excepting our darkness, excepting our light. We came here to evolve, too learn, fail, surrender, and win. Growing up, in a world of limitations, as we where taught to get education, family and marriage. I think every thing has an end date, and what was, is not what is, anymore. As everyone has endless potential to become anything today. The fifth dimension, is when we have mastered our inner evolution. Have full acceptance for who we are, for our energy field and everything that we are made of. Sexual, life force energy. Without life force energy we would be nothing, not even breathing. We need it to evolve. We need stimulation from different forms, food, friendship, relationship, creation, mastering a new skill, learning, loving, training. It's all a part of our nature. In this dimension, of infinite possiblity we are in need to view one self as whole. Worthy, successful, thriving. With an inner wheel that goes forward to make a difference in the world. We are meant to share our authentic assets to the world and contribute in our own unique way. As we where intended to do, before incarnating into our body's. Our souls have already accomplished many miles stones, but our human experience today. Have asked of a bigger purpose, not just to fulfill the daily needs but to contribute to the collective awareness. By sharing you're own gifts, talents, voice, crafts to the world. Building independence and being self reliant, powerful and freedom of time. All it takes is a shift in mind, and determined to succeed. Divine timing, backing you. And when life gives you a reality check. It's always happening for you. Because it wants you to aim higher, do better, live more, and fear leas. Our imperfections is what makes us human. It's what makes us, rest and take time of. Too water our own garden, or when we feel like it go out and be wild. Diversity, in our energy and also daring to share the part of yourself that you only share with yourself. 

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The Empress, Within.

My energy has shifted, from a forceful controlling energy. To a calm and gentle approach, this transforming inner balance.. Is supported by the empress, the empress represents a calm and rich figure. Secure and well off. Healthy and beautiful.  Resting gently in here comforting positioning. 

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Bridge builder between worlds

As you're relationship with the invisible realm, strengthens. You become a channel for energy of higher and lower dimensions, to assist true you. When you hold the vibration of inner balance, between you're polaritys.

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Telepathic intergalactic communication

5D Lines of straight communication, from intergalactic guides and star groups of Telepathic intelligence. As the earths frequency is rising, so is the Telepathic and psychic nature of our collective on earth. The changes that have come to our planet has opened up for evolved Telepathic abilities, my own Telepathic intelligence has increased on a big scale. And I do believe that many others are experiencing the same shift, our DNA has upgraded and massive cycles have ended. This means that new soul contracts, and new soul missions are Infront of us. If you have felt an increase in you're sensitivity in you're abilities then this is you're sign to keep nurturing you're gifts. And to know that the voices in you're head are not scary if they come directly from guides of intergelecatic Telepathic communication lines. They are here to help us rise our vibration, to show us where we still have more to learn, and what inside of us is yet completely healed. Guides are part of our human experience, more and more people will be remembering the original blue print that where assigned before re incarnating to earth. Our soul is infinite, and as you awaken you take with you all you're life lessons, all you're wisdom from all you're life's and transform them into who you are today. All you're gifts and abilities strengthens when you remember the journey of the soul. And in this life we are here to keep growing and to creat a new earth, for all those who will come after us. And also to live as free and enriched as possible. I do believe in a abundant earth filled with people living to there highest potential, sharing and caring for one another. As we are leaving behind our training, our karma our past. And re creating from the most powerful self that ever was on this planet. The Ascended Master within you. The healer, the teacher, the natural medicine woman or man, the shaman, the star, the voice, the warrior, the captain, the fighter, the lover, the father and the the mother. And all the other things you are and have been. A complete 100% Black and White. Dark and light. As you are reborn.

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Soul Contracts And The Akashic Records

When you enter a new soul contract, you realise the old one. And that can feel like a complete identity shift. Because you no longer think, feel or act the way you used too. Our universal planets have shifted degrees, and when they they do this. It ripple effects our human experience. 

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The Underworld, the root and sacral chakra

If you have been seeking higher intelligence, and invested into how to be you're highest most powerful evolution. Then you probably have been deep diving into self understanding. And what is very important when it comes to becoming, secure and wealthy it is a process of first sending up our intention our vision. Working on understanding our higher world. That is all from the hearth, mind and trouth, third eye, as well as crown chakra. Here we recive downloads and keys to our evolution. 

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Ascended Master

Ascension, is when we consistently evolve. Learn our lessons, and go true the portal of each possible month. I have recently come to a place where I have ascended to my original blue print, it's when one fully accepts and understands our own evolution. And embodies our darkness and our light. Our soul, and our DNA carrys, pathers, karma, ancestral, multi dimensional, reptilian, animal, human DNA. And all off it is confusing to understand. But at the bottom of our fear, at the bottom of our anxiety, at the bottom of our hell. We meet the biggest darkest dragon of them all. Yourself. Because it's the part of us that still is not conscious that requires understanding, light, and alchemy. And this can be really hard, because working in the shadows, is not comfortable even in taboo places one can have un conscious pathers. But once one go in to the depths of it, there is a new soul gift. Because we where created to evolve, to experience, to enjoy, to feel, to breath, to touch and love. Ascended Master is when you are the core of you're DNA. And you live originally without jealousy, without envy, self reliant, and excited to have found you're purpose and meaning in life. The more we invest in understanding every aspect of who we are, the smarter we become. Putting things under the carpet, is not soul growth. And it's the hardest spaces where the most growth comes. And remember life is a life long journey, and now is a time to bring our self into ground. To have roots connected to the depths of earth and to have confidence that radiates back to rays of the sun. 

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Multidimensional living life on earth

Having an earthly experience, and also deeply connected to star family above. Myself I have connection to my multidimensional guides, spirit team and soul family. I believe that we have a much wider universe, to discover. Arcturians, the Pleiadians, Mintakan, Lyran, the blue rays. It's a few that I know out of my mind. I have built connection to them true my own studies, true listening to channeleld messages on YouTube, and having a deeper understanding of the collective. The collective on earth is also impacted by the collective above and below us. As it's all energy, energy is form and dimensioanal. That can travel true time and space, and share with us vibration, gifts, bigger understanding, insights and evolutionary DNA. We evolve all the time, and the reason why we are evolving so fast here on earth is because we have connection to our guides that are helping us evolve into Masters. When we master our evolution, we become a whole Universe. We are never fully evolved, which means that we always have potential to become more and stronger then before. But for so many the collective energy on earth has come to a completion. A long cycle is over, and a new is beginning. And for that you should be very proud. 

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New earth, and you're highest potential requires full acceptance

Excepting our darkness, excepting our light. We came here to evolve, too learn, fail, surrender, and win. Growing up, in a world of limitations, as we where taught to get education, family and marriage. I think every thing has an end date, and what was, is not what is, anymore. As everyone has endless potential to become anything today. The fifth dimension, is when we have mastered our inner evolution. Have full acceptance for who we are, for our energy field and everything that we are made of. Sexual, life force energy. Without life force energy we would be nothing, not even breathing. We need it to evolve. We need stimulation from different forms, food, friendship, relationship, creation, mastering a new skill, learning, loving, training. It's all a part of our nature. In this dimension, of infinite possiblity we are in need to view one self as whole. Worthy, successful, thriving. With an inner wheel that goes forward to make a difference in the world. We are meant to share our authentic assets to the world and contribute in our own unique way. As we where intended to do, before incarnating into our body's. Our souls have already accomplished many miles stones, but our human experience today. Have asked of a bigger purpose, not just to fulfill the daily needs but to contribute to the collective awareness. By sharing you're own gifts, talents, voice, crafts to the world. Building independence and being self reliant, powerful and freedom of time. All it takes is a shift in mind, and determined to succeed. Divine timing, backing you. And when life gives you a reality check. It's always happening for you. Because it wants you to aim higher, do better, live more, and fear leas. Our imperfections is what makes us human. It's what makes us, rest and take time of. Too water our own garden, or when we feel like it go out and be wild. Diversity, in our energy and also daring to share the part of yourself that you only share with yourself. 

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The Underworld, the root and sacral chakra

If you have been seeking higher intelligence, and invested into how to be you're highest most powerful evolution. Then you probably have been deep diving into self understanding. And what is very important when it comes to becoming, secure and wealthy it is a process of first sending up our intention our vision. Working on understanding our higher world. That is all from the hearth, mind and trouth, third eye, as well as crown chakra. Here we recive downloads and keys to our evolution. 

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Believe in You're potential

Creators, era is right know. If you have felt the calling to create something then it is because you are capable of creating that dream for yourself. There is a energetic shift that has taken place on the earth. And it has grown stronger with more people following there highest potential, everything is energy and as the whole collective is co creating a new world. Manifestation is a at peak high for accomplishing, big and small dreams. Awekening is when you realise that the past programming of not "capable", and change it too capable and worth a million of opportunitys. For me, I have a lot of talent. But I have almost no one around me that knows what I'm made off. And that is because I have invested all my life into all my talents. And I do believe that at some point I will have a breaktrue. And all the work that I have put into self investment will be my gift to the world. sharing my insights, wisdom and learnings is part of my calling. And I love being a creator in this age, where we leave behind a legacy that will keep on breathing. Because we are the first creators too have a digital and physical world on earth. And we are the pioneers of a shift in human evolution. There is no one ruling, because everyone is ruling and equal. There is room for all to be super novas. But at the end day, you have to make a choise, on what you value in you're life is it Okey the way it is or are you seeking a bigger value. As I believe that the reason for our evolution is to share our greatest authentic self with the world, and I do follow many inspiring people and have always done. And I also hope to be an inspiration for others to learn and discover the greatest mysteries that this earth plane holds. It's a  privilege to be young and full of potential. Keep seeking growth and know that you are guided, loved and always supported by those who came before you. Ancestors are living and breathing true those who breaks the chains of karma, chains of poverty. Because a new mindset and a new way of attraction is at hand. Capable and modern, evolved and whole. Energy is true, and energy is all we know

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Scorpio Season. How to benefit from the intense energetic shift

In this season we are continuing the cycles of the moon, and it has shifted into a more powerful, angry energy. Yes anger is Human and lower vibrational energy. And this is completely part of all humans, no mater level of success or achievements. It's part of our DNA and it's part of evolving. When we are angry, it's because we are not satisfied with something in our life. And Scorpio season is perfect for giving us opportunity to view where we want and need change. It can be lack of money, lack of genuine friendships or lack of some other personal reason. This time is also to do the necessary shifts within, to turn around the page of sadness, grief and trauma. And when it comes too the surface. Recognise it and don't be ashamed of the emotions that are coming to the surface because when they come one can simply sit with them and get to the root of why they are there in the first place. Often our anger is miss understood or have a bigger reason for, showing itself. There might be a thrasher, freedom or a soul gift at the bottom of the anger. Go into the anger and feel the emotions to too the core of the wound. Or the reason for why you are feeling this intense emotion. 

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Companionship, is putting trust in another to create something meaningful. This goes in all areas of life. Business, friendship, relationship, family. And companionship. I believe that the better we are at creating healthy habits, and seeing others potential the more beautiful creative work gets put into action. When we work with others we benefit the whole collective. Because we are taking back the power of indudvial crafts. When we use our natural abilities to make a difference for others and self. I believe that we are ment to inspire eachother to be out highest potential. And by dreaming big, manifestion will work with you're dreams, as the planets and the stars are aligned for you to be successful each month we have the ability to make a change, and this month I feel is fundamental for building strong foundation in the bottom of a new house. As a new business owner, and creator I am putting in work into the world. And today I heald my first event. I did reiki healing, yoga and calisthenics. A small intimate group but it was also the begining of a new cycle in my life. income, in the form of financial gain, and the first successful event, that I will keep holding each Friday. I'm happy to see growth where I personally have not been growing in a long time. And having a healthy financial health is fundamental in all life's. I'm proud to establish, and to keep growing and moving. I will also collaborate with a woman that I met today, so far we have only spoken words but, it's the begining of maybe a beautiful friend and business relationship. And the root of a companionship. I have strong faith in work that is created from the hearth space. So if you are feeling called to work with you're own craft, then take this as an invitation to create something beautiful. keep moving towards what lights you up. And thank you for reading. 

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