My energy has shifted, from a forceful controlling energy. To a calm and gentle approach, this transforming inner balance.. Is supported by the empress, the empress represents a calm and rich figure. Secure and well off. Healthy and beautiful. Resting gently in here comforting positioning.
She knows that the masculine energy within here. Takes action, when action is needed so that when a situation requires action the energy of the masculine is there securing the deal. So that life goes smoothly, without lack, fear or limiting beliefs. The universe is always conspiring in our favour. And each time we realise that we are supported beyond the stars we realise that every time we take a step closer towards our dreams, mission, goals, we accomplish a peace to the puzzle of our master piece. Building the foundation, takes millions of efforts. For some it might be over night, but for those who seek true growth, within so without. It takes courage, bravery, tragedy and surrender. Even when mett with the toughest situations, that's where we meet our inner warrior. And let me tell you one thing this inner warrior, deserves all the wealth, and beauty this life can offer. And the same do you, because I know you came this far for a reason. You came this far to understand that we are super natural, having a human experience with half human and half star ancestory. Don't call me crazy, it's true. Maybe not for all, but for me I know it's true.
Empress, is also symbolic of confidence in who she is she is divine, she is gifted, she is worthy she is part of the royals. The universe has there representetives that they call royals, because there blood line is a hybrid of multi dimensional royal heritage, as well as human royals from ions back.
Remember that everyone is everything it's just about acknowledging, how far you can zoom out of what you know, and what really is truth.
Because the truth is always beeing challenged why? Because truth always grows there is no end date to growth. Love and Flow, North node Alignment. Scorpio Empress xx
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