Tarot and Oracle reading

45 Minutes


45 Minutes


Tarot and Oracle reading 

Channelled messages 

Connecting with You're Blueprint

For Further activations, 

Guided information for You're highest potential


Digital Tarot & Oracle Reading

30 Minutes

Digital Tarot & Oracle Reading

30 Minutes


 My gifts are Telepathic, psychic, connection to Stars of the Higher realms & Ancestral lineages. My readings are ment to give you clarity, and to help you towards the goals, dreams and love that you desire.

Wisdom, truth, and Guidance. 
I connect with You're Guides, Ancestors and Spirit team, before we go into the reading so the energy between us is an open channel for divine messages to come true. Always ment to point you towards, the highest timeline available for you. Letting Go of the old and welcoming in the new. 

See details to book a time and date that is available for you, I do readings over Zoom. Or in person if we agree on that. 


If You have any questions, you can always reach me on phone or email.